With the ending of this turn of Paris Fashion Week is the dawning reality that it was the best of times and it was the worst of times because Colette will be closing. The veritable Parisians shopping destination since 1997, Narnia – err, Colette – closes on December 20th, as founder Colette Roussaux has decided to retire. Rossaux founded the store along with her daughter, Sarah Andelman, who is the current creative director of the 8,000 square foot, 3 floor store.

Having been the host of many an up and coming designer throughout the past twenty years, the closing of the store has sent the fashion crowd into a frenzy. As of right now, there is currently an offering of exclusive collaboration blue bun burgers going on (no, that is not code for a weird kinky sexual act) at the basement cafe of the store, the Water Bar. In case you didn’t know, the Water Bar at Colette is where you can try out more than 100 types of bottled water in case you ever get the urge to try out 100 types of bottled water. Famed for its eccentric mix of items ranging from high fashion to kooky candles and tech accessories, Karl Lagerfeld once said he shops at Colette because they have what no one else doesn’t. And he’s right.

So go now, before December 20th, or else you may never have a chance to try out over 100 types of bottled water as there’ll never, ever be another Colette.

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