
Stan Smith


Shopping Saturday – French slang for fashion

You can’t run. You can’t hide. You can’t leave the house without inevitably spotting someone with Stan Smith shoes nearby. These sneakers are everywhere in Paris, super trendy, and apparently very comfortable to walk in. If you see someone looking effortlessly chic with their sneakers, you may be tempted to go out and get your own pair in order to join in. After all, it’s just a pair of sneakers and there’s always the soldes (the sales which occur twice a year and are required by the French government). Much to your surprise, however, after doing some 2am online shopping, you stumble upon the word BASKETS in your shoe hunt, and cannot find a category for shoes other than boots and heels. Baskets? Such as picnic baskets? Weaving baskets? Organizing baskets? For some inexplicable reason, the term for sneakers in French is baskets, and not the kind you take to…